Lisa Käb | Scholarship Holder

Photo: Lisa Käb
Lisa Käb has been a THORWART JESKA FOUNDATION scholarship holder since August 2020. Her main job has been at Sparkasse Schweinfurt-Haßberge since September 2012, where she is currently employed as a customer advisor in Ebern, Lower Franconia.
Since September 2019, she has been studying part-time at the FOM in Nuremberg. There she has chosen the subject of business law and is aiming for a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.). The combination of business administration and legal components immediately appealed to her when she chose the degree program. "The knowledge I have gained so far in the course of studies confirms me in the decision I have made, " says Lisa Käb.
In addition to the scholarship, the financial support of the THORWART-JESKA-FOUNDATION, she has at the same time received the opportunity to work in the THORWART law firm.
09/2012 until 01/2015 Apprenticeship as bank clerk / Sparkasse Eastern Lower Franconia
05/2015 to 06/2017 Certified banking specialist / Frankfurt School and Chamber of Commerce Bamberg
09/2017 to 10/2017 Certified trainer / Chamber of Commerce Bamberg
01/2015 to 06/2018 Customer advisor in Ebern / Sparkasse Schweinfurt-Haßberge.
(merged branch Schweinfurt and East Lower Franconia)
06/2018 until today customer advisor for affluent private customers in Ebern Sparkasse Schweinfurt-Haßberge
09/2019 until today part-time study of business law LL.B. /
FOM Nuremberg
3 questions
for Lisa Käb
Studying while working is challenging. What drives you in what you do?
For me, the broader positioning in the labor market and the improved career opportunities as well as earning potential in the future through the acquisition of a university degree are in the focus. Especially in times of crisis like these, I consider this to be even more important. Of course, the expansion of my own horizons through the further gaining of knowledge through my studies and the corresponding transfer of knowledge through the daily practical relevance are also at the forefront. The regular exchange with fellow students about the same interests also drives me to do this, which is also the reason why I chose to study on campus. This also promotes interaction between people and makes it easier to build up knowledge. It also boosts my motivation accordingly.
What does the support of the THORWART Jeska Foundation mean to you?
For me, it was clear from the beginning that I would take part in the on-site study program at FOM, even though this was naturally a burden due to the tuition fees. After receiving the scholarship from the Thorwart-Jeska Foundation, I was all the more pleased and grateful. On the one hand, it is a financial relief, but on the other hand, I am even happier about the offer to actively participate in the firm. From this I could see that at some point all efforts pay off and other institutions become interested in one's own achievements. It also gives you a new boost of motivation and security in what you are doing. The work offered at the Thorwart law firm harmonizes very well with my course of study and I gain an insight into new professional fields with additional educational opportunities and it promotes the expansion of my own network.
What are your wishes for the coming years, what do you definitely want to do?
First of all, I would like to get an even deeper insight into the Thorwart law firm and expand my skills and abilities within this branch as well. Due to the diversity of Thorwart, there are other areas in which I would like to support. Furthermore, of course, the synergy effects between work, scholarship and studies should be used. In my professional career, a change is also planned for the near future, although I have not yet made a definite decision. Privately, of course, like many others, I hope to be able to travel again in the near future. Another goal for 2021 is to prove my athletic performance in a half marathon. Of course, the further planning is to add my master's degree after the bachelor's degree.